Hilton Head's Best Interactive Island Hotel Map
Hover your mouse over a hotel marker for details!

Click on any hotel marker for detailed information and instant reservations.

Roll your mouse over a hotel marker, then click the marker for detailed hotel information and reservations.

Information provided here is believed to be accurate but subject to change without notice

Make your reservation through Hotels.com using our easy links on the interactive map. Enjoy a great stay at many excellent hotels and resorts throughout the Hilton Head Island, Bluffton, Daufuskie and Sun City area. There are several pet friendly hotels on the island and shown in the descriptions of the hotels above. After submitting your reservation request, you will be provided with an email address to use to make inquires about your request. Hotels.com has qualified and friendly agents available to answer questions about your hotel, air and car reservations 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (including holidays).

BOOK ONLINE OR CALL 1-800-780-5733
When calling this number to reserve a room, please refer to the following discount code: 242837

Europe: 00-800-11-20-11-40
When calling this number to reserve a room, please refer to the following discount code: 242837

Vacation Rentals: 1-800-310-0809
When calling this number to reserve a room, please refer to the following discount code: 242837